There are really only 7 ways to make money from a product idea. Having spent over 20 years working with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business founders to launch new products, we've refined our advice into this pdf.
Here's my best tip, if you want to make money from your idea, you're going to have to present your new product idea to someone at some stage. When you do, focus the presentation on the benefit of your new product idea to that person. Don't talk about features, your patent or what you want but instead focus on the benefit to the person you're speaking to. This will make the biggest difference.
Also make sure you have a signed confidentiality agreement in place or your intellectual property registered before presenting the idea to anyone. Otherwise you could lose the right to that idea. For more great tips like this, grab a copy of our pdf straight away.
Get a retail buyer to reply to your emails; license your product to a multi-national company; get stocked in a high street retailer; land an international distributor or sell your product on Amazon.